
Logaston Press has always welcomed submissions not only from authors with whom we’ve previously worked, but also from new authors. However, before you send us a book submission there are a number of things to bear in mind:

Importantly, we do not currently publish fiction, poetry or children’s books;

We publish non-fiction titles only, generally under the following criteria:

  • Books about the Southern Marches region: the English counties of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, and the Welsh counties of Radnorshire, Breconshire and Montgomeryshire.
  • Further to the above, books in these subject areas: local history, biography, archaeology, architecture, landscape and topography, walk guides.

If your book proposal falls outside these criteria, it is unlikely to be suitable as a Logaston Press book.

If, however, your book proposal does meet the above criteria and you wish to send us a submission, please email us and include as much of the following information as possible or complete our NEW SUBMISSION FORM.

  • Working title.
  • A short paragraph summarising the subject matter and scope of the book.
  • Is the book complete/ a work in progress/ yet to be written?
  • Approximate number of words (actual or proposed).
  • Will the book contain images? (if so, approximately how many, and from what source/s?)
  • If possible, a contents list (actual or proposed).
  • If possible, a sample chapter.
  • Has the proposal been offered to another publisher?
  • Background information about you relevant to the submission (for example, your interest in and experience of the subject).

Where we are able to accept a book submission, there are two principal ways in which we offer publication:

  1. At our financial risk: if a book proposal fits the above Logaston Press criteria, and we are confident that we can potentially find enough buyers of the book to justify the financial outlay to us of publication, we can offer to take on publication at our cost;
  2. At your financial risk: if a book proposal fits the above Logaston Press criteria, but we are not confident that we would be able to find enough buyers of the book, we can offer to take on publication at your cost, by quoting a price for producing the book (including editing, design, typesetting, publication and supply of final copies).

Please send your submissions to

Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

Richard & Su